Small island
`What makes Levy`s writing so appealing is her even-handedness. All her characters can be weak, hopeless, brave, good, bad - whatever their colour. The writing is rigorous and the bittersweet ending, with its unexpected twist, touching... People can retain great dignity, however small their island` Independent on Sunday, 25/1/04 -- Independent on Sunday 20040125 `Every scene is rich in implication, entrancing and disturbing at the same time; the literary equivalent of a switch-back ride` The Sunday Times, 29/2/04 -- The Sunday Times 20040229
Odpowiedzialność: | Andrea Levy. |
Hasła: | Powieść angielska - 1990-. |
Adres wydawniczy: | London : Review, 2004. |
Opis fizyczny: | 533 s. ; 20 cm. |
Skocz do: | Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki |
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